Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Today's News Clips, June 29, 2011

Clips from our friends at

PRIORITIES USA UP IN IA, FLA., VA., COLO . - The Democratic super PAC Priorities USA Action will roll out an ad campaign in four general election battlegrounds today, in direct response to the $20 million blitz from American Crossroads targeting President Barack Obama. POLITICO's Maggie Haberman reports that the pro-Obama group will go up in Iowa, Florida, Virginia and Colorado: "[S]ources, who are familiar with the buy but requested anonymity, said the ad the group will air is called 'Portraits,' and will go up on a broadcast TV buy starting Wednesday morning and running through the weekend. It wasn't immediately clear what the substance of the ad will be, but television stations in those four states are expected to start receiving copies of the spot first thing in the morning."

ACU PLANTS FLAG IN ORLANDO - The American Conservative Union will announce today that it plans to hold the first regional Conservative Political Action Conference this fall in Orlando, potentially making "CPAC FL" a key stop in the 2012 presidential primaries. ACU will host the event on Sept. 23, a day after the Fox News debate in Orlando and in the middle of the Republican Party of Florida's Presidency 5 summit. The national conservative group has already invited the announced presidential candidates to participate, along with Sunshine State GOP rock stars Marco Rubio and Allen West. ACU Chairman (and former Florida GOP chief) Al Cardenas: "As we battle President Obama and the most liberal Administration in the history of our country, ACU is heading to the frontlines and taking the conservative fight directly to the states ... We look forward to hosting CPAC FL in the Sunshine State this fall, expanding the CPAC brand and further energizing the national conservative movement as we head into the critical 2012 election season."

DCCC PITCH: 'MAKE BOEHNER C RY' - The House Democrats' campaign committee will drop an eye-catching, John Boehner-mocking fundraising appeal this morning, ahead of the second-quarter FEC deadline. Writes DCCC executive director Robby Mook: "We all know it doesn't take much to make Speaker Boehner get teary-eyed. But let's give him something to really cry about ... This deadline is so huge that just last week Boehner announced he's transferring $1 million of his own Big-Oil-tainted funds to our Republican counterparts to give the false impression that they are the ones with the momentum at this critical benchmark ... We absolutely must exceed Boehner's cash infusion with over $1 million in grassroots support of our own." The second quarter is a big financial test for House Democrats, who have started to persuade doubters that the chamber is in play, but still have a long fight ahead of them.

HOUSE TALKER - NRCC VS. RED CHINA - The National Republican Congressional Committee is going on the attack today against Nevada Treasurer Kate Marshall, hitting the Democratic House candidate for supporting an increase in the debt limit that will send money to "places like the People's Republic of China." The video echoes GOP candidate Mark Amodei's first ad, which showed Chinese troops literally marching past the U.S. Capitol. The name of the NRCC's video? "Kate Marshall's Chinese Credit Card." Watch it here: ... And the Amodei spot:

DISASTROUS RICK SCOTT POLL OF THE DAY - The idea that Florida's Republican governor could drag down his party in 2012 has now caught on nationally. Yesterday, PPP served up a set of numbers that highlight just how jaw-droppingly unpopular Rick Scott is: His approval rating is 33 percent, his disapproval rating his 59 percent and his net disapproval among independents has grown to 37 points. If the 2014 election were held today, Scott would get vaporized: "[Charlie] Crist would crush Scott in a hypothetical match up, 56-34 ... Democrats wouldn't need Crist to win if Scott stood for reelection today- in a rematch of their contest last fall Alex Sink now leads Scott by a 57-35 margin."

CUT-CAP-BALANCE VIDEO -- Let Freedom Ring is out with a new video this morning in support of its 'cut, cap and balance' pledge, in which signers vow to tell their elected officials to follow a deficit-reduction approach that cuts spending, implements structural spending caps and pursues a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution. Spoofing a horror-film trailer, blood-red ink washes over the Capitol, drips from the Statue of Liberty and floods the Grand Canyon as an announcer intones 'Congress is drowning America in a sea of red ink ... we have to stop the spending before America and it's great people are under water ... sign the pledge to save America. Together we can stop the out of control spending. Sign the pledge today.' The video was produced by Harris Media for Let Freedom Ring, which is a coalition of scores of interest groups and tea party affiliates. Organizers say the pledge has been signed by 49,000+ Americans, six presidential candidates, 12 U.S. Senators, 22 Congressmen and 25 candidates for federal office. Here's the video Twitter: @CutCapBalance

AND INSIDE THE CAPITOL -- Republican senators are promoting their balanced-budget amendment in a media availability at 11:30 a.m. Participants: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), Lindsey Graham (R-N.C.), Mike Johanns (R-Neb.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and other Republican senators.


POPPING IN N.H. - ROMNEY STEADY, BACHMANN RISING - Mitt Romney is holding firm at 36 percent of the vote in New Hampshire, according to a Suffolk University poll released late last night. But the big mover in the Granite State is - wait for it - Michele Bachmann, who has risen from 3 percent support in May to 11 percent now. More: "With the exception of Romney and Bachmann, support for the 18 candidates tested remained in single digits. Tim Pawlenty slipped 3 points, to 2 percent, and Newt Gingrich was unchanged with 2 percent ... Jon Huntsman gained 4 points (4 percent), ranking him ahead of Gingrich, Pawlenty and Rick Santorum (1 percent)." and

SURGING IN GALLUP - THEY REALLY LIKE HER - The authoritative nonpartisan pollster sizes up Bachmann and finds her in a strong position as she starts this new phase of her campaign: "Her name recognition is up to 69% for the two-week period of June 13-26, having climbed from 52% in late February/early March...Bachmann's Positive Intensity Score of 24 ties with Herman Cain's as the highest such score of any candidate, and is her highest to date. Bachmann's ability to maintain her relatively high Positive Intensity Score as she has become better known distinguishes her from several of her competitors." Bachmann is on the road with a pollster of her own, the Tarrance Group's Ed Goeas.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

¿Crisis terminal del capitalismo?

Vengo sosteniendo que la crisis actual del capitalismo es más que coyuntural y estructural. Es terminal. ¿Ha llegado el final del genio del capitalismo para adaptarse siempre a cualquier circunstancia?. Soy consciente de que pocas personas sostienen esta tesis. Dos razones, sin embargo, me llevan a esta interpretación.

La primera es la siguiente: la crisis es terminal porque todos nosotros, pero particularmente el capitalismo, nos hemos saltado los límites de la Tierra. Hemos ocupado, depredando, todo el planeta, deshaciendo su sutil equilibrio y agotando sus bienes y servicios hasta el punto de que no consigue reponer por su cuenta lo que le han secuestrado. Ya a mediados del siglo XIX Karl Marx escribía proféticamente que la tendencia del capital iba en dirección a destruir sus dos fuentes de riqueza y de reproducción: la naturaleza y el trabajo. Es lo que está ocurriendo.

La naturaleza efectivamente se encuentra sometida a un gran estrés, como nunca antes lo estuvo, por lo menos en el último siglo, sin contar las 15 grandes diezmaciones que conoció a lo largo de su historia de más de cuatro mil millones de años. Los fenómenos extremos verificables en todas las regiones y los cambios climáticos, que tienden a un calentamiento global creciente, hablan a favor de la tesis de Marx. ¿Sin naturaleza cómo va a reproducirse el capitalismo? Ha dado con un límite insuperable.

Él capitalismo precariza o prescinde del trabajo. Existe gran desarrollo sin trabajo. El aparato productivo informatizado y robotizado produce más y mejor, con casi ningún trabajo. La consecuencia directa es el desempleo estructural.

Millones de personas no van a ingresar nunca jamás en el mundo del trabajo, ni siquiera como ejército de reserva. El trabajo, de depender del capital, ha pasado a prescindir de él. En España el desempleo alcanza al 20% de la población general, y al 40% de los jóvenes. En Portugal al 12% del país, y al 30% entre los jóvenes. Esto significa una grave crisis social, como la que asola en este momento a Grecia. Se sacrifica a toda la sociedad en nombre de una economía, hecha no para atender las demandas humanas sino para pagar la deuda con los bancos y con el sistema financiero. Marx tiene razón: el trabajo explotado ya no es fuente de riqueza. Lo es la máquina.

La segunda razón está ligada a la crisis humanitaria que el capitalismo está generando. Antes estaba limitada a los países periféricos. Hoy es global y ha alcanzado a los países centrales. No se puede resolver la cuestión económica desmontando la sociedad. Las víctimas, entrelazas por nuevas avenidas de comunicación, resisten, se rebelan y amenazan el orden vigente. Cada vez más personas, especialmente jóvenes, no aceptan la lógica perversa de la economía política capitalista: la dictadura de las finanzas que, vía mercado, somete los Estados a sus intereses, y el rentabilismo de los capitales especulativos que circulan de unas bolsas a otras obteniendo ganancias sin producir absolutamente nada a no ser más dinero para sus rentistas.

Fue el capital mismo el que creó el veneno es el que lo puede matar: al exigir a los trabajadores una formación técnica cada vez mejor para estar a la altura del crecimiento acelerado y de la mayor competitividad, creó involuntariamente personas que piensan. Éstas, lentamente van descubriendo la perversidad del sistema que despelleja a las personas en nombre de una acumulación meramente material, que se muestra sin corazón al exigir más y más eficiencia, hasta el punto de llevar a los trabajadores a un estrés profundo, a la desesperación, y en algunos casos, al suicidio, como ocurre en varios países, y también en Brasil.

Las calles de varios países europeos y árabes, los “indignados” que llenan las plazas de España y de Grecia son expresión de una rebelión contra el sistema político vigente a remolque del mercado y de la lógica del capital. Los jóvenes españoles gritan: «no es una crisis, es un robo». Los ladrones están afincados en Wall Street, en el FMI y en el Banco Central Europeo, es decir, son los sumos sacerdotes del capital globalizado y explotador.

Al agravarse la crisis crecerán en todo el mundo las multitudes que no aguanten más las consecuencias de la superexplotación de sus vidas y de la vida de la Tierra y se rebelen contra este sistema económico que ahora agoniza, no por envejecimiento, sino por la fuerza del veneno y de las contradicciones que ha creado, castigando a la Madre Tierra y afligiendo la vida de sus hijos e hijas.

Leonardo Boff

Friday, June 24, 2011


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Michael Morrill